Ann U., Golden, CO, June 1997
I’ve been ice skating since I was a kid. A few years ago I started having low back pain and pain in my hip. My doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. He said that I might need to consider hip replacement surgery. I was taking 12 to 20 Advil a day, just to be able to cope. […]
Judy C., Evergreen, CO, August 1996
I’ve suffered from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for 8 years. I refused to have the surgery my doctor suggested. The pain was always there, though it varied in severity. Michael has been my massage therapist for years. One week he told me about a workshop he had attended and assured me that he could stop my […]
Larry K., Evergreen, CO, September 1997
In the spring of 1996 I began having tingling sensations in my feet and toes, which increasingly turned to numbness. The balls and toes of my feet hurt when manipulated. They eventually began to throb and it interfered with my ability to walk freely. I told my M.D. about this problem on several occasions. He […]
Rosemarie, Colorado Springs, CO, April 1997
Six doctors and two EMG tests later, I finally met Michael Young and learned the Muscle Release TechniqueSM. One session with him and my carpal tunnel pain was on the way to being history. My pain had been totally intolerable. I could barely hang on to things. Tying shoelaces was excruciating, even touching terry cloth […]